
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Shell Hunting with Dylan

Dylan has shared some fantastic photographs of him walking along the beach and taking in the beauty of our environment.  He was out collecting shells at Clark's Beach with his family.  He found some beautiful shells.

PS - Great photographer with their use of object and background!

Dylan is also a master in the kitchen - check these out!  Yummy Dylan

Well done Dylan - Thank you for sharing with us all!

Taylor's Socks

At our Distance Learning Meet session this week, Mrs Fox read the book: The Kings Socks.  We talked about the socks we might have at home and about how they might look, feel and which ones might be our favourite.  Mrs Fox set the task of drawing some cool socks and finding socks at home, taking a photo of you wearing them.

Here is a photo of Taylor and is cousin, Carlos and their warm cosy socks and drawings they shared online with Mrs Fox at their Meet session:

Great use of colour!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

John's 'sl' writing.

Maddison and her castle.

Maddison and her sister spent all afternoon playing in this awesome castle.

Sound for today by Sibyl

Big Machines

After listening to Big Machine Boogie, Nikhil told his mum his washing machine story. Mum wrote it down for him. Well done, Nikhil. You have thought this through very carefully.

Maddison using shapes to create things.

Maddison decorated her truck using paint and bubble wrap. Looks lovely.

Stories from Japji.

Lovely to see you writing some stories, Japji

Johnny making and writing the 'gl' sound.

Well done! Love the new look Johnny.

Sibyl in her Dad's truck. So exciting!

Dad has Sibyl's name on his truck.
Having morning tea with Dad.
Sibyl with her Dad at work.
Spending time with Dad at work and sitting in his truck
Sibyl's writing for 'cl' and 'gl'.

Our theme on machines

 Carter has found two of his favourite books to share.


This is Carter's story about his fire truck
Carter has used his toys to make the 'gl' sound and then written it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

John's writing for the 'cl' sound.

My name.

Japji making her name with little sticks.

Our very own driver with his digger.

Kane fixed the digger at his Mum's Kindy and then made a construction site with some blocks and began to fix the sandpit. Kane dug and dug until he was finished the job. He has been a very busy lad. Well done, Kane.



Big Machine Boogie

Our shared book, Big Machine Boogie, has been a hit with Nikhil. He has drawn a dump truck and an excavator. Lovely to see how engaged Nikhil has been with our topic this week.

Sharing Feijoas

Hiret sharing her feijoas between Scruffy, Leila and Elly.

Jack the Giraffe

Lewis made his giraffe using recyclable materials.

This week our theme is machines. Kane was very excited to hear this and promptly went about creating his own construction site.

Here is Kane's story and pictures of his construction site.
Kane was very excited about the topic this morning.....he eagerly built his own construction site, with his dump truck.....his digger and roller. He was busy out in the Kids Count playground transporting bark.


Kane says he is the boss of his site and has to make sure everyone is safe, wearing their hi-viz tops and hard hats......most important they have to wash, wash, wash their hands.
This digger is his Uncle Tom's it has Kanes last name in it

Kanes Dad was 3rd time digger champion in NZ....where they do lots of amazing tricks with the you can see why Kane is slightly obsessed with construction sites.....and machinery.